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Malaika Profiles

How I have kept busy during Covid-19 lockdown in Uganda

Covid-19 has and is still ravaging economies, people and livelihoods. Globally, governments the rich and poor are gasping for an effective coping strategy. This has been and still is a difficult time, even the most creative among us eventually run…

Malaika Media team plans the perfect early birthday surprise

Planning birthdays can be trickier than you think but it always proves to be worthwhile when you witness the joy on the recipient’s face. December has given Malaika Media so much to celebrate and birthdays have been a big…

Malaika profiles : Kennedy Oreste

We boast of a vibrant and passionate team at Malaika media and that’s why we choose to tell our story. We deemed it necessary to put an identity behind the faces that tell the stories of so many. Our…